Is Teeth Whitening For Everyone?

Most of us would like to flash the perfect set of white teeth – thanks to all the celebrities and advertisements all over. But before you experiment on your teeth, it is important that you understand everything there is to know about whitening. If you want to know more about dental care, then continue reading this brief post.

Facts about Teeth Whitening

Not all Teeth Whitening Products and Methods are Equal

teeth whitening

Some of your relatives or friends might tell you about specific Teeth Whitening products and naturally, you would want to try some of it. We know it can be really tempting but you have to stop. Remember that not all products and even processes are suitable for you.

If you want to make your teeth whiter, then it is essential that you set up an appointment with your dentist. That way, they can check your condition and provide the best solutions to improve the color of your teeth.

And since we are already talking about dentists, remember that it is illegal for anyone to perform any teeth whitening process unless you are a professional. If you believe a suspicious facility is offering such service, make sure to report it to proper authorities. Otherwise, people will be at risk.

It’s Not an Overnight Success

You have to know that getting your teeth white isn’t going to happen in one night, especially if you are to do it on your own. There are a lot of products promising that you can get whiter teeth right away. Don’t be fooled by such advertisements. And avoid using those without your dentist’s approval.

Different Results for Different Folks

So, you and your friends underwent the same teeth whitening process but yours are still darker than them. Is this really possible? Yes, it is. If you must know, the new color of your teeth depends on its existing color. You can talk to your dentist so you can manage your expectations.

You Should Maintain It

When you are already done with your teeth whitening session, the work doesn’t stop there. You should understand how to take care of it so you can prolong that beautiful color when you smile. This means you have to cut down on eating and drinking foods that can affect the color of your teeth.

Did you know that our teeth are like sponges? It has pores and the color of the foods and drinks you consume can be absorbed by it. It can cause stains and you might need help overtime to remove it.

Causes for Teeth Discoloration

There are different reasons why your teeth will change its color from its natural state. Here are some of the common ones and it should help you revisit your lifestyle.

  • Exposure to tetracycline antibiotics at a young age.
  • Smoking
  • Drinking of too much coffee, tea, alcohol, and soda
  • Bad oral/dental hygiene
  • Trauma
  • Aging

Speaking of aging, teeth discoloration is normal when you get older. You see, the outer layer of our teeth is composed of enamel. Under that is dentin which is a yellow layer of tissue. When we age, the enamel starts to thin and the dentin starts to show.

Teeth Whitening Options to Choose From

Whitening Toothpaste

This is the easiest and most available whitening solution you can get. But remember that it can only whiten your teeth by one shade. For those with brownish or grayish teeth, the effects might not even be obvious.


When you try bleaching your teeth at home, it might need to take time to work. This isn’t recommended for people with sensitive teeth and gums.

Professional Whitening

You can always get professional whitening. This, of course, will cost a bit but you will see results and it is safer than doing it on your own.

Again, always check with your dentist on the option that will work for you best. As much as you want to have whiter teeth, it is always safety first.

Is Teeth Whitening for Everyone?

The short answer is NO. Below are some of the reasons why you can’t be the perfect candidate for teeth whitening.

  • You have brownish or grayish teeth.
  • Teeth discoloration was due to injury.
  • You are wearing caps, veneers, or filling.

Are There Natural Ways to Whiten the Teeth?

For some people, natural ways will always work best. We’ve collected all the natural methods people use around the globe to whiten the teeth. Again, as we always say, you must consult a professional first before doing the following.

You wouldn’t want to cause dental or health problems in the future, would you?

Baking Soda

We already know that baking soda has a lot of benefits. But did you know that it can be used to whiten your teeth as well? You can make your own paste using baking soda and brush it a couple of times per week.

Oil Pulling

This is an Indian folk remedy wherein you swish oil around your mouth. This is said to remove bacteria that can cause your teeth to look yellow. The most common oil used is coconut kind.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Millions of people use hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds. But like baking soda and oil pulling, it can help you achieve whiter teeth. The concern here is that you might have more sensitive teeth if you constantly use it. Hence, you have to be extra careful.

Apple Cider Vinegar

While effective, you shouldn’t use apple cider vinegar all the time. Yes, it can whiten your teeth, but it can also soften it. If you want to use it as a mouthwash, make sure that you dilute it first with water.

Looking for a Dentist to Whiten Your Teeth

Like all the teeth whitening products and methods, not all dentists are created equal. Thus, it is important that you set standards before choosing your dental health professional. Make sure to ask your network for recommendations.

It wouldn’t hurt if you look for certifications and licenses to prove that a dentist is legally allowed to practice teeth whitening. And of course, consider the location and the rates.